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Krone Vario Pack 1500 Round Baler

Value My Trade-In


Krone Vario Pack 1500 Round Baler
Krone Vario Pack 1500 Round Baler
$17,000 EGC - Excluding Government Charges 2







Baler Round

Stock #


Dealer Comments

$15,454.55 plus gst ($17,000 inc gst) As Is
Easy to use, low Hp tractor, hay + silage
Workshop Ready!
Removed all pick up chains, cleaned out pick up deck of all net wrap and rubbish, repaired pto shaft cover, checked wheel bearings, changed pick up bearings, cleaned all the hay and net rap out of the rollers, removed tail gate cover, drained density system, removed density chain that was broken, cut new chain, fitted chain, refitted density system , refitted covers, checked oil system was working and replaced three blocked nozzles, removed rear conveyor drive chain and sprocket, removed all covers and parts to be able to removed roller, removed spiral rover, removed bearings from roller, removed starter roller chain and tensioner, removed starter roller, removed starter roller shaft, removed starter roller bearings, refitted shaft , fitted new bearings and cir clips, removed cleaner bar, tidied up cleaner bar edge, cleaned brake surface rust, painted brake, cleaned and painted net spreader bars, fitted spiral roller, refitted bearings, fitted new sprocket, fitted other sprockets,fitted cleaner bar and adjusted up, fitted starter roller, oiled up and refitted all the chains, removed broken grease lines, got new lines and fitted, made up grease lines, fitted grease lines to baler, refitted covers, ran baler, oiled conveyor, cleaned all the rust off the knives, sharpened knifes and oiled them for storage, 39032 Bales
$15,454.55 plus gst ($17,000 inc gst) As Is
Easy to use, low Hp tractor, hay + silage
Workshop Ready!
Removed all pick up chains, cleaned out pick up deck of all net wrap and rubbish, repaired pto shaft cover, checked wheel bearings, changed pick up bearings, cleaned all the hay and net rap out of the rollers, removed tail gate cover, drained density system, removed density chain that was broken, cut new chain, fitted chain, refitted density system , refitted covers, checked oil system was working and replaced three blocked nozzles, removed rear conveyor drive chain and sprocket, removed all covers and parts to be able to removed roller, removed spiral rover, removed bearings from roller, removed starter roller chain and tensioner, removed starter roller, removed starter roller shaft, removed starter roller bearings, refitted shaft , fitted new bearings and cir clips, removed cleaner bar, tidied up cleaner bar edge, cleaned brake surface rust, painted brake, cleaned and painted net spreader bars, fitted spiral roller, refitted bearings, fitted new sprocket, fitted other sprockets,fitted cleaner bar and adjusted up, fitted starter roller, oiled up and refitted all the chains, removed broken grease lines, got new lines and fitted, made up grease lines, fitted grease lines to baler, refitted covers, ran baler, oiled conveyor, cleaned all the rust off the knives, sharpened knifes and oiled them for storage, 39032 Bales

2EGC prices exclude government charges and on-road costs. Contact the dealer to determine charges applicable to you.